Sunday, April 20, 2008

Explaining the Dumb Bass

I just realized that I should probably explain the dumb bass saying. It isn't because I don’t like saying the word ASS; there is actually a joke behind it. It is kind of cheesy but it makes me laugh. It goes like this:

A fish runs into a cement wall and says "dam".
The cement wall replies "Dumb Bass".

Get it? It is funny, huh. If you don’t think so then too bad. If you don’t get it then....well... I guess you can ask and I will explain it to you, but you should get it. The saying dumb bass has become a popular saying in our house and is often used to describe one another when we do something a little short of brilliant. It is one of the many things I miss about home.


mousemovie said...

The house is never the same without your uncontrolled laughter either...

Crazy Me... said...

hahahaha...dumb bass...

Mayor of CrazyTown said...

Don't go home! Come live with me! :) We'll have lots and lots of fun! And I won't make you change diapers.

Mothership said...

You are soososososo funny. talk about funny do you remember when you filled up the balloons and froze them?? you are awsome dont ever change.
